Our Veterinarian
Dr. Brown graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College in 1991. After a few years of working at a large veterinary hospital in Northern Ontario, she relocated to Ottawa and worked in one of the 24 hour hospitals there, providing emergency care as well as day to day routine veterinary care. In 1998 she moved to Nanaimo to take advantage of our beautiful weather and has worked at Departure Bay Veterinary Hospital ever since and purchased it in 2006.
Dr Brown is a member and past president of the Nanaimo Kennel Club and sometimes assists with obedience and rally obedience classes. Her and her husband are members of the Nanaimo Yacht Club and enjoy boating on the weekends and serving on many committees within that club.
Our Veterinary Assistants
Taelon is our most senior Veterinary Assistant as she’s been with us for the better part of a decade! You’ll see her assisting Dr. Brown during exams, or at the front desk answering questions. She likes large dogs, small cats and everything in between!
Administrative Assistant
Sarah was born and raised in Nanaimo, and has been a part of our team since 2018. She spends all of her free time spoiling her two nieces and snuggling her cat, Renton.
Part Time Assistant
Karamiah – Bio Coming Soon!